The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) reminded shipping service actors in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) to be careful because of the impact of strong winds in the form of waves and strong currents for the Sape Strait region in the next week. "In the next week, there is indeed the potential for strong winds and has an impact on strong waves and currents for the Sape Strait region," said Head of the Tenau Maritime Meteorological Station Yandri Tungga in Kupang, Antara, Monday, July 1. The potential for strong winds has the opportunity to cause the wave height to reach two meters. This is also due to the potential for light rain due to the impact of MJO and Rossby Waves that cross the NTT region. For this reason, BMKG urges shipping service actors who carry out activities in the Sape Strait to be careful and pay attention to maritime weather forecasts before sailing. "If the weather conditions at sea are felt less friendly, such as strong winds and high sea waves, it is hoped that the community and fishermen will not go to sea," Yandri reminded. Based on BMKG forecasts, wave heights of 1.25 meters to 2.0 meters are likely to occur in the southern part of the Sape Strait, the western part of the Sumba Strait, the Savu Sea, the South Indian Ocean of Sumba-Sabu, the southern waters of Kupang-Rote, and the South Indian Ocean of Kupang-Rote. "Be aware of strong winds, changes in the direction of the wind, and an increase in the wave height that occurs suddenly," he said. Yandri also reminded people who will travel or carry out activities using ships to pay attention to BMKG information. As for fishermen, he also advised to secure ships or boats to a safe place. "To reduce material losses, fishermen can secure boats or boats to safer places," he advised. Previously, a fishing boat sank by wind and high waves in the waters of the Lintah Strait, Padar Island, Komodo National Park Area, West Manggarai Regency on Sunday, June 30.
In an official statement from Basarnas Maumere, strong winds and high waves made the ship carrying two fishermen and two children overturned at 12.00 WITA. The Joint SAR team also managed to evacuate four survivors.

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