BOGOR - Bogor City Police, West Java Police, arrested brothers with the initials WR (25) and IR, who are the agents who recruit celebrities promoting online or online gambling sites. Bogor City Police Chief Kombes Bismo Teguh Prakoso revealed that 70 celebrities have been recruited by WR to promote online gambling sites through Instagram accounts with a large number of followers. There are 70 people under the control of WR. Now, from this celebgram, the profit of Rp. 500 thousand to Rp. 1.5 million depends on the number of followers,” Bismo said in Bogor City, Antara, Friday, June 28. WR created several fake Instagram accounts, to trick celebrities by mentioning that many accounts also promote online gambling. The celebrities that are targeted by the majority are women in the Jakarta, Bogor and Depok areas. Some of these Instagram accounts are used as evidence along with various communication tools such as cell phones, computers, and laptops. This includes an account book that has now been frozen. This action was carried out with his younger brother, IR, who owns 16 accounts for holding online gambling sites. From his younger brother also benefited from the online gambling profit transaction, ” he explained. Head of the Bogor City Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Kompol Lutfi Olot Gigantara, said that in the action that had been carried out since 2023, the two perpetrators made a profit of around Rp. 5 million per week. The profit was obtained from a piece of celebgram money, and from the online gambling site itself. The money is for daily living expenses, including to buy four-wheeled vehicles. These are their brothers working only here (recruiting online gambling promotion celebrities),” he said. Currently, the Bogor City Police are still pursuing the person suspected of ordering these two perpetrators. “ Still developing and pursuing the suspect working by whom. Of course we will coordinate with the Police cyber for a larger website network,” said Lutfi.
The two perpetrators were charged with Article 45 paragraph 1 of Law Number 1 of 2024 concerning amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions, with the threat of a sentence of 10 years in prison.

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