The West Java High Prosecutor's Office has returned the case file for the Peti Setiawan (PS), the main suspect in the Vina murder case, to the investigators of the West Java Police Special Criminal Investigation Directorate because it was declared incomplete.

Head of Legal Information for the West Java Prosecutor's Office, Nur Sricahyawija, said that based on the results of the research on the PS case file, the research prosecutor still found some incomplete evidence.

"The results of the prosecutor's research on June 24, 2024, the research prosecutor team has sent a notification that the results of the research are not complete to the West Java Police investigator team," said Cahya as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, June 27.

Cahya said the notification to the West Java Police investigators had been carried out on Monday (24/6). The public prosecutor will also prepare a number of instructions that must be completed by West Java Police investigators.

"Regarding the file, it has not been returned because according to law it is still given the opportunity for the prosecutor to make instructions and will be sent to friends of the West Java Police," he said.

He revealed that one of the shortcomings of the case file for Pegi Setiawan related to evidence and file facts needed to be completed by investigators.

"The file is still incomplete. There are material and formal shortcomings related to evidence and the fact that the file still does not meet the elements," said Cahya.

He explained that in this case there were six public prosecutors who would conduct research on files transferred by West Java Police investigators.

"According to last notification, the prosecutor who handled as many as six people. There was no addition, the prosecutor who handled it was appropriate," he said.

Previously, on Thursday (20/6) last week, the West Java Regional Police submitted the case files for the murder of Vina and Muhammad Rizky or Eky in Cirebon to the West Java Prosecutor's Office.

Head of Public Relations of the West Java Police, KombesJules Abraham Abast, said that currently investigators from the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation have completed the Peti case file to be transferred to the West Java Prosecutor's Office.

"There has been coordination with the prosecutor's office and hopefully there will be no problems, it will run smoothly, please pray so that we can submit the file," he said.

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