JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Alexander Marwata said statements at trial could not be followed up. There must be other evidence, for example, other witnesses who know about the events presented. This was conveyed by Alexander Marwata in response to the alleged receipt of money by former KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri from former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo. This incident was revealed by the Secretary General (Secretary General) of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) Kasdi Subagyono. “ Witness testimony does not stand alone. Is there any other evidence, for example, that there are witnesses who saw the handover of money to whom the money was handed over? Where was it handed over, @rdquo; Alexander told reporters when confirmed, Tuesday, June 24. "What Kasdi said in the trial could be raw goods," continued Alexander. “ If only the one who explains it is only from the giver without any proof of money up to the recipient, it can't be considered accepting,” he said. “ It's not that easy to prove the bribery case only based on the testimony of the witness from the giver, ” continued Alexander. Meanwhile, KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardika said the testimony given by Kasdi would be followed up. “ Will be investigated by investigators,” said KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardika to reporters in a written statement, Monday, June 24. "As long as there is still an active investigation warrant," he continued. As previously reported, Kasdi Subagyono, who is a former Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan), revealed that there was a fundraising of Rp800 million for former KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri. In his statement at the trial on Wednesday, June 19, he said the money was to condition the cattle procurement case that was being handled. Syahrul also conveyed the same information. In fact, he mentioned Firli who asked him to come to the badminton Sports Center in the Central Jakarta area. "Pak Firli only invited me to come to the GOR, to watch or participate in badminton. In essence, that's the first thing I understand," said SYL during a trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Monday, June 24. Hearing this testimony, the judge questioned SYL about a meeting with Firli Bahuri apart from the badminton goal. He then agreed and said that Firli Bahuri invited him to continue the conversation at his house. "That's right, then he said, later he would talk more about it at my house. He hasn't said it in Kertanegara yet," said SYL. "Yes, what are you talking about with Firli Bahuri? Does it have anything to do with the KPK investigation at the agriculture ministry?" asked Hakim. "In general, there is no such submission," SYL replied. The judge continued to question SYL with several questions. Until finally alluding to the issue of handing over the money. SYL also admitted that he had twice handed over the money to the former KPK chairman. "And there was a handover of suadara's money earlier. How many times did he hand over?" asked the judge. "The one from me twice," said SYL.
"Initially 500 is the same as 800, right?" asked the judge confirmed. "Yes, more or less like that," said SYL.

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