JAKARTA - The police arrested the child KS who was the perpetrator of the murder of his biological father in the Duren Sawit area, East Jakarta (Jaktim). During the arrest process, the suspect was said to have pretended to have just found out that his parents had died.

"Based on information from investigators like that, he pretended not to know the reason for getting information from his friend that his father had died," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi to reporters, Monday, June 24.

In this way, the KS child is said to have visited the crime scene (TKP). He acted if he was not involved in any of his father's deaths.

In fact, the police who have conducted investigations and investigations have received instructions regarding the figure of the perpetrator behind Safri's death.

Thus, KS's child was immediately examined by the investigative team. Until finally admitted that he had killed his biological father.

"The suspect was arrested next to the crime scene, the furniture shop was because the suspect at that time, on the grounds that he got information that his father died, finally came, he was interrogated, the suspect admitted," he said.

Safri, who owns a household or grocery grocery store, was killed by a KS child by stabbing him in the chest.

From the results of the examination, KS's child was determined to ground his biological father because he was sick every day. Almost every day, the victim scolded him.

"The fact by investigators was because they were hurt because they were often scolded, sometimes beaten, accused of taking the victim's belongings and even said that the victim's child was illegal, this was based on the suspect's statement," said Ade.

Safri was found dead covered in blood in a shop in the East Flood Canal (BKT) market, RY 01/03, Pondok Bambu Village, Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta, Saturday, June 22.

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