SULTENG - Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Parigi Moutong di Sulawesi Tengah (Sulteng) menetapkan status tanggap darurat terhadap delapan desa pada empat kecamatan terdampak banjir."Status tanggap darurat berlaku selama 14 hari ke depan, kata Selapangan Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Parigi Moutong Moh Rivai di Parigi, Sulteng, Senin 24 Juni, disita. Ia menjelaskan, delapan wilayah yang terdampak yaitu Desa Astina dan Tanahlano, Kecamatan Torue, kemudian Desa Tindak, Kecamatan Parigi Selatan, Desa Sibalago, Desa Sienjo, Desa Singura dan Desa Toribulu, Kecamatan Toribulu serta Desa, Kecamatan Palasa.Status tanggap mulai berban mulai 24 Juni sampai hingga dengan 7 Juli 2024, saat ini Pemkap ini Pemkab Parigi Moutong mengganti penanganan pengung di Desa Sienjo, Sibalago, Lakili dan Tanahlanto.

The Parigi Moutong Regency Government has formed an integrated team and built tasks in handling post-floods during the emergency response period, the Social Service together with the local PMI established a public kitchen to prepare ready-to-eat meals for refugees, assisted by volunteers.

According to the Parigi Moutong BPBD report from eight flooded areas, two villages were severely affected, namely Sienjo and Sibalago, from the hydrometeorological disaster, one Sibalago resident died and two people were reported missing and have been found safe. "Until now, we are still conducting an assessment of the impact of flooding," said Rivai. According to local BPBD data, 246 families (KK) or 738 people were displaced as many as 372 people in Sibalago Village and 90 people in Sienjo Village. "The data presented are currently still temporary. Data on the results of the assessment will be issued one door through BPBD," he said.

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