JAKARTA - The Japanese government plans to invite the Indonesian government to discuss the free lunch program carried by the elected presidential-vice presidential pair Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

Japanese Ambassador to Indonesia Masaki Yasushi said he would invite the Indonesian side to discuss the topic in September 2024.

"We will invite the Indonesian government to Japan, especially regarding this topic regarding what they can expect from schools in Japan and discuss it. But this can continue until the project runs," said Yasushi as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, June 21.

Yasushi explained that the free lunch program at Japanese schools is a means of improving the nutrition of postwar children. Especially to help poor families who cannot provide nutritious food.

But historically, free lunch at school has been going on for more than 100 years, so it can build a procurement system for more than three million schools.

According to Yasushi, what can be done to support the next Indonesian government program is to show their experience in organizing free lunches.

Yasushi said it would be good if the program was implemented in Indonesia, however, it would be left back to the Indonesian government's decision.

In addition, Yasushi said that his party emphasized the importance of education about food and nutrition.

"Children should know how important it is to choose the right food and nutrition every day. That's the minimum thing. That's what we've been through to get schools that receive education about nutrition. This will be very interesting for Indonesians," said Yasuhimnambah.

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