Garut Police Chief AKBP Rohman Yonky Dilatha is ready to give strict sanctions to anyone, including members of the National Police, who are involved in online gambling practices in Garut Regency, West Java.
"Members of the National Police and Civil Servants at the Garut Police and ranks are strictly prohibited from playing online gambling," said Rohman Yonky in Garut, Antara, Friday, June 21.
The Garut Resort Police's efforts are instructions from the leadership to take anticipatory steps and eradicate all gambling practices, especially online gambling.
The Garut Police, he said, had continued to socialize reminding all elements of society, members of the National Police and ASN within the Garut Police not to play gambling because these activities violated the law.
Gambling practices in Indonesia have been strictly prohibited because their existence does not have a good impact, but is the cause of poverty and debt.
"To all Garut people not to approach online gambling because apart from being guilty, it will only make them poor and entangled in debt," said the Police Chief.
He explained that the prohibition and punishment for gambling actors and those who gamble online has been regulated in Article 27 Paragraph 2 of Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions (UU ITE) in conjunction with Article 45 paragraph 2 Number 19 of 2016.
In that article, he said, the threat of imprisonment is a maximum of six years, and a maximum fine of Rp. 1 billion.
"Based on this article, online gamblers will be subject to a maximum imprisonment of six years, and/or a maximum fine of Rp. 1 billion," he said.
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