TANGERANG - The village head (Kades) of Kohod, Pakuhaji, Tangerang Regency, initials AN, spoke about accusations by residents who accused him of collecting 5 percent of the compensation fee for land relocation in their area.

He said that the information was not true. According to him, the residents who accuse him are political opponents who want to bring him down.

Aduh hoaks lagi. Tidak ada yang benar semua. Orang yang ngga demen (tidak suka) saya, orang lawan politik. kata AN saat dikonfirmasi, Jumat, 21 Juni.

AN admitted that he never felt like he had ordered his subordinates to give the circular. He threatened to report hundreds of his citizens who said he asked for money to replace the relocation fee.

"It's not true, I have proof, from start to finish I never did. That's my political opponent, if it can be tidied up, neatin. If I don't report back," he said.

AN also admitted that due to accusations directed at him, he was called by the police. However, at that time, AN preferred to remain silent, because he did not want to be a commotion in his area.

"The summons (police) is 1x24 hours. I just don't want to tell it. His name is the village head. Don't be wrong anymore, just digitize. But if it's too upset too," he said.

Previously, the Village Head (Kades) of Kohod, Pakuhaji, Tangerang Regency with the initials AN allegedly asked for illegal levies (extortion) by forcing his citizens on the cost of land change, relocation or sale of land to the company. In fact, AN also forced to collect a fee of 5 percent of the nominal land sales. The torture was stated in a letter that must be signed by the residents by force.

The following is an excerpt from the letter:

"It's true that the house I built, I didn't live in (only investing) then when I got profit compensation from an interested company, I was very willing and had to spend 5 percent of the total money I received from the replacement of the house, for the togetherness and operations of the committee that I handed over to the relocation committee at the time the payment was made by the company in question,"

One of the residents with theama Rafsan (name of pseudonym) admitted that he received intimidation from village officials, if he rejected the contents of the letter. He threatened to make it difficult to receive land compensation costs from the company.

"Most of them here, on average, are asked to sign their signatures to give 5 percent after the payment. In fact, it comes up, meaning like this, once they can DP, they must be paid. For example, Rp. 500 million, so (residents) immediately give 5 percent (to the village head)," said Rafsan when met in Kohod Village area, Pakuhaji, Tangerang Regency, Friday, June 21.

"From the total payment that will be paid by PT. And that, it can't be, there is even a threat that if it is not paid, then the next payment will not be paid," he continued.

Rafsan is still explaining, later in the 5 percent payment, the village apparatus, which is suspected to have been ordered by the Kahod Village Head, will visit every house.

"I once asked the Village Secretary (Village Secretary), it will be asked for a 'dor to door' by village officials. Then the money, for example, receives Rp. 500 million, now that's 5 percent. And it is paid after receiving the first down payment (DP)," he said.

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