The PKB DPP is waiting for the official proposal of the East Java PKB DPW to pair KH Marzuki Mustamar with Tri Rismaharini in the 2024 East Java Pilkada. This proposal emerged in line with the issue of the PKB and PDIP coalitions for the East Java gubernatorial election.

"We are waiting for the proposal and input from the DPW later," said PKB DPP chairman Daniel Johan, Friday, June 21.

Daniel believes that the PKB coalition with PDIP in the East Java Pilkada will be a great strength to fight the incumbent pair, Khofifah Indar Parawansa and Emil Durdak, who have been promoted by the political parties of the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM).

It is known that PKB is the winner of the 2024 legislative elections in East Java Province, followed by PDIP which ranks second.

"The cooperation between the two parties in East Java will be a great strength," said Daniel

Previously, the East Java PKB DPW admitted that there was a discourse to pair Kiai Marzuki Mustamar with Social Minister Tri Rismaharini alias Risma in the 2024 East Java Pilkada recently.

East Java PKB treasurer Fauzan Fuadi said the discourse arose when his party caught aspirations at the lower level. Previously, Kiai Marzuki's duet with Arzeti Bilbina had also surfaced.

"If there was a lot of discourse, yesterday, for example, surfaced Kiai Marzuki-Mbak Arzeti, there is now another discourse that there is Kiai Marzuki-Bu Risma," said Fauzan at the East Java PKB DPW Office, Surabaya, Tuesday, June 18.

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