JAKARTA - Commission III of the DPR appreciates the results of the latest Kompas Research and Development survey which places the National Police as the top two institutions with a positive image.

Member of Commission III of the House of Representatives from the PKB faction, Rano Al Fath, said this increase was clear evidence that the National Police had managed to maintain and even improve its performance in carrying out law enforcement tasks that were in direct contact with the community.

Rano said the survey results were a sign that people's trust in the National Police was getting higher. According to him, the National Police is also able to answer the challenges and expectations of the public very well.

"The increasing good image of the Police is the result of the hard work and dedication of all members of the National Police in carrying out their duties with high professionalism," Rano told reporters, Friday, June 21.

"The National Police has shown that they are not only carrying out routine tasks, but also trying to improve service quality and security for the community," he continued.

Rano also appreciated the innovative steps that had been taken by the National Police Chief and his staff. One of them, he said, was the disabled police recruitment program.

"This step shows the Police's commitment to become a more inclusive and fair institution. By accepting members from various backgrounds, the National Police not only enriches the perspective of the institution, but also shows the public that they are committed to embracing and providing equal opportunities to everyone," he said.

Rano also appreciated the National Police for their performance in securing the election which went very well without any significant threat of dispute. He also talked about the success of the Police in securing Eid.

"The National Police have shown that they are ready and alert in facing big challenges such as elections, and this deserves praise," said Rano.

Rano assessed that the very conducive security of Eid is also a testament to the readiness and alertness of the Police in maintaining security at important moments for the people of Indonesia. According to him, the Police have succeeded in ensuring that the community can celebrate Eid with a sense of security and comfort.

"This preparedness shows how much the Police pay attention to the interests and comfort of the community, and are always ready to provide the best service," he explained.

Rano also assessed that the National Police was also serious about handling major cases, especially those that caught the public's attention. Proper and professional handling of these cases, he continued, shows that the Police are able to respond quickly and effectively, as well as provide a sense of justice for the community.

"With these various achievements, we hope that the Police can continue to maintain and improve their performance. Community trust is an important capital for the Police to continue to innovate and improve public services," he concluded.

It is known, the Kompas Research and Development Survey shows the TNI-Polri to be the top two institutions based on the positive image of state institutions. The survey was conducted on 27 May-2 June 2024 through face-to-face interviews with 1,200 randomly selected respondents using a graded systematic prosecution method in 38 provinces.

The survey results noted that the good image of the TNI reached 89.4 percent. This figure is an increase compared to a similar survey in December 2023.

"TNI, both 89.4 percent do not know 7.3 percent, and bad 2.9 percent," wrote the survey results.

Meanwhile, the good image of the National Police received 73.1 percent. An increase also occurred when compared to a similar survey in December 2023.

"The National Police, both 73.1 percent, do not know 4.4 percent, and bad 22.5 percent," the survey wrote.

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