MATARAM - Mataram University (Unram) West Nusa Tenggara fired a lecturer with the initials AW as an educator after being proven to have committed obscene acts against a number of female students. Chairman of the Task Force for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (PPKN) Unram Joko Jumadi explained that this dismissal was a decision that referred to the results of the investigation by the Unram PPKS Task Force. "So, this decision (dismissal) is the result of the investigation by the Unram PPKS Task Force from a series of examinations of the victims and also unscrupulous lecturers who have also admitted their actions," said Joko in Mataram, Antara, Friday, June 21. The decision to dismiss is part of the imposition of severe sanctions in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Permendikbudristek) of the Republic of Indonesia Number 30 of 2021 concerning the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in Higher Education. "On this decision, we from Unram have written to the Ministry of Education and Culture. It is a notification of the decision," he said. The Unram PPKS Task Force handled this case based on reports from female students who were victims with three people. "We received the report on May 30, 2024. From the report, we then conducted an investigation," he said. In a series of investigations, the Unram PPKS Task Force also examined the victim and the lecturer psychologically. The PPKS Task Force also provides psychological rehabilitation for victims by involving psychologists and psychiatrists in Unram's environment. There are also a number of witnesses who come from alumni. Joko said that this alumni was limited to providing information on the obscene acts of these lecturers. From a series of investigations, it was revealed that the victim who received indecent treatment from the lecturer something happened in 2010. "The victim, who was the longest in 2010, provided information via telephone. So, those who reported to us were three female students, the rest (victims) were limited to information to us," he said. The lecturer did his actions by utilizing a meeting with a student in the thesis guidance process.
"The thesis for the victim took place in the lecturer's room. Because there was no one else in the room, there was no CCTV, so this lecturer freely acted, only obscene acts, no intercourse," said Joko.

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