Deputy Chairperson of the Gerindra Party, Habiburokhman, touched on the dynamics of the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada amid the emergence of support for political parties such as PKB and PKS to the incumbent, Anies Baswedan.

Habiburokhman questioned whether the PKB and PKS decisions were final to carry Anies, because the new decision was at the DPW level.

"This is all a process, are we on the Gerindra Party side, are we in the Advanced Indonesia Coalition or in PKS, at PDIP, nothing is fixed yet. Is Anies really fixed? Isn't that right? Has PKS fixed to advance Anies? Not really. PKB fixed to advance Mr. Anies? Not really. Because it's only at the DPW level, and that's not the way it is," said Habiburokhman, Thursday, June 20.

Habiburokhman admitted that his party was still exploring communication with all political parties to carry Ridwan Kamil in the Jakarta Pilkada.

However, he said, Gerindra had not offered the position of cawagub companion to RK to PKS. Moreover, PKS has recently conducted a fit and proper test (UKK) on Anies as a cagub.

"There is something that may be interpersonal communication between high-ranking officials, of course, it is also a substance, but it has not been officially conveyed to us. But what I convey, I am a spokesman, there has been no official offer yet," he said.

"The name of communication is our fellow boss. With PKS, we also have two presidential elections together. In the DPR, our relationship is very good. The name is communication, in my opinion, yes, it's not very, very possible, yes, maybe. But the decision will be, what will the final be," continued Habiburokhman.

Therefore, the Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the DPR also asked all parties to wait for the process of probing the candidate which will be decided around the end of July. Moreover, said Habiburokhman, referring to the last two Pilkada Jakarta candidates announced as 'last minutes'.

"I remember at that time, if I'm not mistaken, the Gerindra party was almost registered with Pak Fauzi Bowo, but in the last minutes, Pak Prabowo's communication with Mrs. Mega supported Pak Jokowi (in the 2012 Pilkada)," he said.

"If Mr. Anies (in the 2017 Pilkada), if I'm not mistaken until that night, it's still a mystery who will be carried against Mr. Ahok. Various names suddenly appear, Mr. Anies," said Habiburokhman.

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