JAKARTA - The daily chairman of the Gerindra Party DPP, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, confirmed that his party had chosen comedian Marshel Widianto to run as a candidate for deputy mayor of South Tangerang. Dasco revealed this certainty while attending a gathering and consolidation with Gerindra Cadres in South Tangerang City, Wednesday, June 19 night.

"On this occasion, I reiterated the instructions that the candidate for governor of Banten, namely Andra Soni and the candidate for deputy mayor of South Tangerang, namely Marshel Widianto," Dasco explained via uploading an Instagram account quoted by VOI.ID, Thursday, June 20.

He even invited all Gerindra cadres to work together to win the candidates promoted by the party bearing the Garuda Bird's head symbol. According to him, the victory of Gerindra candidates in the 2024 Pilkada in November 2024 will help launch the development program carried out by the elected Indonesian president and vice president Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

"In the future, we must oversee the Prabowo-Gibran program so that it can be realized later in the interests of all Indonesian people," he wrote again.

The deputy chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives called on all Gerindra cadres in Banten Province to solidly win the Regional Head Candidate to be promoted by the Gerindra Party.

"We must solidly fight to win the Candidate (regional head) which will be carried out by the Gerindra Party throughout Banten Province, so that Prabowo-Gibran programs can be carried out properly in accordance with the direction," he said.

On this occasion, Dasco thanked all Gerindra cadres throughout Tangerang Raya who had struggled to win Prabowo Subianto as President after 16 years of waiting.

The nomination of Marshel Widianto as a candidate for deputy mayor of South Tangerang is known to often draw criticism. Many of the voices of donations appear on Marshel Widianto's Instagram account and his supporters. Sufmi Dasco Ahmad's Instagram uploads are no exception.

"It's like there are no best cadres in South Tangerang, bro, nominating Marshel," wrote the owner of the Instagram account @kiansantan ***.

"I am indeed a supporter of Pak Prabowo and Mas Gibran, but I am sorry for Marshel running in Tangerang. There are definitely many who do not agree, Marshel does not have experience in politics," criticized the owner of the Instagram account @diantamahend ***.

"What do you want to be," quipped the owner of the Instagram account @patratobus ***.

On the other hand, many celebrities do support Marshell in participating in the 2024 Pilkada. One of the biggest supports came from presenter Raffi Ahmad.

The husband of actress Nagita Slavina always gives support to Marshel Widianto even though he continues to be criticized for participating in the 2024 Pilkada.

"Keep going with your good intentions bro," Raffi Ahmad supported via his Instagram account @raffinagita171717.

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