JAKARTA - The limited public school in Jakarta is still complained about every implementation of new student admissions (PPDB). Many parents complain that their children do not graduate from public schools and are forced to register in private schools.

The urge to create free schools, especially private schools, continues. Member of Commission E of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Abdul Azis Muslim, emphasized that not all areas of Jakarta are available public schools. Restrictions on public schools in Jakarta must be assisted by free private schools.

In their respective areas, it means that RT, RW, or urban villages do not necessarily have public schools, be it elementary, junior high, or high school. This means that in one kelurahan alone it does not necessarily have public schools. Meanwhile, there are many people who want to enter public schools," said Azis in his statement, Wednesday, June 19.

According to AziS, zoning requirements in PPDB are also always a problem for Jakarta residents when accepting new students. Therefore, free schools in all schools eliminate travel distance constraints for school students.

"I'm sure that if the free school happens, there will be no more fuss about PPDB in Jakarta," he said.

Member of Commission E of the DKI Jakarta DPRD from the Golkar faction, Basri Baco, emphasized that the proposed free education costs were not applied to all private schools. The DPRD proposes that only students in private schools of grade C and D are free. Because, according to him, all students in the school are underprivileged.

"Today's fact is that 50 percent of people in (schools) in the country are capable and free. Meanwhile, in private schools, the grade C and D are 100 percent of people who can't afford and pay. So it's very unfair," said Baco.

Baco explained that the reasons for proposing free schools in Jakarta, especially private educational institutions, were suspected of the many cases of diplomas being held at school because the students could not pay their tuition fees.

According to him, the free school budget can be allocated by the DKI Provincial Government by diverting funds for the distribution of Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) education assistance. Moreover, Baco views that from the transfer of the KJP distribution budget to free schools, educational assistance no longer reaps chaos because of the wrong target.

"In fact, there are a lot of problems related to KJP. It's not right on target, it's unfair, and it's not evenly distributed. Instead, it's better if we make it free all over," explained Baco.

"So, public schools use PPDD for those whose houses are close. For those who are smart, have achievements, and are poor, the quota can also be used in public schools. Then those who are not in public schools, please look for private schools that are close to home and do not need to pay," he continued.

Baco continued, the difference in the free school budget for private grade C and D is also not far apart from KJP funds. At most, the DKI Provincial Government only needs to increase the budget of IDR 1 trillion.

"For example, how much does our KJP expire? IDR 4 trillion. This may only add to IDR 4 trillion, 800 million or IDR 5 trillion, but the business is finished. Who do you want your child to live in, where do you want to live, what status do you have, as long as you want to go to school, you can go to school," he added.

Meanwhile, Deputy Head of the DKI Jakarta Education Office, Purwosusilo, admitted that his party was reviewing the proposed free school policy disclosed by the DKI DPRD.

"(The proposal) for free schools is under study," said Purwosilo.

However, Purwosusilo emphasized that if free schools are implemented in Jakarta, the consequence is that the DKI Provincial Government will definitely abolish the distribution of KJP. "It looks like if schools are free, then there will be no such thing as social assistance (KJP)," said Purwosusilo.

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