JAKARTA - The National Awakening Party (PKB) responded to PDIP politician Ganjar Pranowo who assessed that his party did not need to force Anies Baswedan to support Anies Baswedan in the Jakarta gubernatorial election (Pilgub) if it did not match. PKB actually wants to encourage PDIP and Anies to understand each other. According to PKB DPP chairman Daniel Johan, PDIP can definitely feel the compatibility or chemistry itself with Anies.

"The problem is suitable or not, each party can feel and determine for itself based on the communication channels and strategic agreements created," said Daniel, to reporters, Tuesday, June 18. As a political party that has expressed support for Anies, Daniel said, PKB will encourage PDIP and Anies communication so that both of them can understand each other. "We encourage communication to run well so that they can understand each other more," he said.

Previously, PDIP politician who is also the former Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo also responded to the PDIP's plan to carry Anies Baswedan in the Jakarta gubernatorial election. According to Ganjar, the determination of the choice must go through a negotiation process between PDIP and Anies. If not suitable, he suggested not to be forced.

"That must be discussed, that's it. It must be discussed, and hopefully, we can negotiate. But if it doesn't fit, I don't think it should be forced," said Ganjar in Sleman, Monday, June 17.

Nevertheless, Ganjar saw the PDIP discourse to carry Anies in the upcoming Jakarta gubernatorial election as a form of openness of his party's democracy in politics. However, he said, PDIP usually prepares internal cadres to be weighed before being promoted to the Pilkada. However, he said, when it does not meet the criteria, it is possible for PDIP to carry candidates from outside the party with an agreement.

"If we support or carry a candidate from outside, what then is the agreement that we can take. It is democratic values, ideologically, how can we behave towards a situation that is now increasingly difficult," he explained.

"So that later the politicians we support can be consistent, can see how history was at the beginning and share perceptions and attitudes so that when responding to the situation it is not left and right, straight," added Ganjar.

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