JAKARTA - The Minister of Religion (Menag) of the Republic of Indonesia Yaqut Cholil Qoumas conveyed that the sacrificial worship in the Eid al-Adha 1445/2024 series is a momentum to get rid of selfish traits in humans.

"The sacrificial service is not only a matter of slaughtering animals, but also about slaughtering the traits of being selfish, greedy, and selfish ourselves that exist within us," said the Minister of Religion through a video in Jakarta, Monday, June 17.Gus Men, his nickname emphasizes that sacrificial worship has a very strong social dimension. By sacrifice, he continued, humans share sustenance against others, which then becomes a symbol of solidarity and social concern. "When selfish and selfish traits can be slaughtered, a more just and harmonious society will be formed," he said.

Prophet Ibrahim alaihi greetings (a.s) said Gus Men, have set an example to mankind how great the sacrifice must be. He, he continued, sacrificed his son, Prophet Ismail a.s, in order to obey the orders of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala (SWT), who was then replaced with a lamb as proof of His love and mercy. "The service of sacrifice contains a very deep message about the fortitude of obedience and sacrifice that has been exemplified by Prophet Ibrahim a.s. The worship of sacrifice teaches us that love for Allah SWT must be a top priority in excess of love for beings," he said. For this reason, the Minister of Religion congratulated Eid al-Adha 1445 Hijriah to all Muslims in Indonesia.

He hopes that the spirit of Eid al-Adha will be an inspiration for Muslims in Indonesia to remain steadfast in obedience to Allah SWT to continue trying to spread goodness in the surrounding environment. "Let's make this holiday a momentum to strengthen faith and piety, and improve the quality of community life by always prioritizing human values and caring for others," said Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas.

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