The General Elections Commission (KPU) will soon issue a list of permanent candidates (DCT) regarding the re-voting (PSU) of candidates for DPD members for the West Sumatra (West Sumatra) electoral district.

"The KPU will immediately determine the DCT again, then the West Sumatra KPU will recruit KPPS officers," said West Sumatra Provincial KPU Commissioner Ory Sativa Syakban in Padang as reported by ANTARA, Friday, June 14.

Ory said the West Sumatra KPU ranks had held a coordination meeting with the Central KPU on June 12 to 14, 2024 regarding the preparation of PSU candidates for DPD members in Minang.

After the meeting, until now the West Sumatra Provision KPU is still waiting for technical instructions, including an official letter issued by the Central KPU. One of the most important stages is the fulfillment of Irman Gusman's requirements as a candidate for PSU participants.

This is in the form of administrative evidence for submitting to the public that the person concerned is a former convict of a corruption case. After all the documents of Irman Gusman and other DPD candidates were verified, then the Indonesian KPU determined DCT.

Ory emphasized that the West Sumatra KPU is ready to implement the PSU according to the decision of the Constitutional Court within 45 days after the decision of case Number 03-03/PHPU.DPD-XXII/2024.

However, the West Sumatra KPU has not been able to convey the exact schedule for the implementation of the PSU considering that there has been no official letter and technical instructions for the PSU issued by the KPU.

"Information from the leadership, God willing, the PSU for candidates for members of the West Sumatra DPD will be on Saturday, but the date has not been confirmed," he said.

Regarding KPU voters, the number is the same as the final voter list (DPT), additional voter lists (DPTb) and special voter lists (DPK) who exercise voting rights on February 14, 2024. These voters will vote at 17,569 polling stations (TPS) spread across 19 districts and cities.

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