LEBAK - The Health Office (Dinkes) of Lebak Regency, Banten, noted that 2,794 children under five (toddlers) were positive for malnutrition, potentially increasing stunting prevalence and having an impact on their health quality. "The toddler who is malnourished is also easily affected by various comorbidities," said Head of Public Health at the Lebak District Health Office Nurul Isnaeni in Rangkasbitung, Lebak, Antara, Friday, June 14. According to him, the cause of children under five is malnutrition due to wrong parenting, such as children not being given nutritious food and lack of protein. For this reason, the local government (Pemda) has intervened with eleven malnourished toddlers so as not to cause new stunting prevalence to prepare the 2045 Golden Generation. The eleven interventions are the first for teenagers to carry out nutritious action activities. The second is the provision of Blood Add Tablets (TTD). The third is providing education and HB screening of teenagers. Fourth, pregnant women must be treated by health centers and clinics by conducting six pregnancy examinations, and ultrasound examinations are also carried out to determine the health condition of the fetus. Fifth, exclusive breast milk (ASI) for two years. Sixth, complete immunization. Seventh, monitoring of body measurements. Eighth, sanitation and clean water. Ninth, data collection and tenth provision of additional food (PMT), and eleven education. "We assess that the intervention may not give birth to malnourished toddlers or stunting," said Nurul. He hopes that all elements of society can help local government interventions not to give birth to children who are malnourished or tengkes. So far, poor sanitation facilities and survey results from 345 villages/kelurahan in Lebak, residents who already have healthy latrines are around 33 percent and the remaining 67 percent are still defecating in gardens and rivers. In addition, there is also a high number of early marriages, although the local government cooperates with the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) to socialize marriage for 19-year-old women and 21-year-old men.
Based on data from the Lebak Health Office 2023, it was recorded that 2,794 toddlers were malnourished, 445 toddlers were malnourished, and 3,736 toddlers were stunted.

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