JAKARTA - The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) responded to the PKB which proposed the youngest son and chairman of PSI, Kaesang Pangarep as a candidate for deputy governor (cawagub) accompanying Anies Baswedan in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada. The chairman of the PKS DPP, Jazuli Juwaini, said that his party would see developments first. Moreover, he said, his party was still waiting for the proposed name from below. "I am waiting for the process, if the PKS determines it is not personal, so there is a special team. So we will see with anyone," said Jazuli at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, June 13. When asked whether Kaesang is qualified to run in the upcoming Jakarta Pilkada, Jazuli assesses that his abilities and candidacy are two different things. So according to him, the matter of the person nominated depends on the party's agreement. "The problem is between the ability and the determination of the candidate are two different things, the ability is inherent in you. Yes, it depends on the parties agreeing or not later," he said. Sementara ini, tambah Jazuli, PKS belum membahas nama Kaesang sebagai calon kepala daerah. Meski begitu, dia menegaskan, PKS tidak ada masalah jika bekerja sama dengan PSI.
"Yes, there is no problem, so what is the problem? Communication is possible, cooperation must have institutional decisions, not personal decisions and opinions," said Jazuli.

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