Ronny Talapessy said the PDI-P Secretary General (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto filed a pretrial lawsuit. This lawyer said there was a discrepancy in the confiscation report submitted by investigators on Monday, June 10 yesterday. The Hasto camp did not accept the confiscation of cellphones carried out by investigators. This forced effort occurred when the former member of the DPR RI complied with the investigator's summons as a witness in the Harun Masiku case, which is still at large. "We will file a pretrial because the minutes of the confiscation were wrong on April 24,” said Ronny, who is also a lawyer for Hasto Kristiyanto's staff, Kusnadi, to reporters at the ACLC KPK Building, Rasuna Said, South Jakarta, Tuesday, June 11. Ronny also said that the official report on the receipt of evidence did not mention that the process was related to Harun Masiku. In addition, the Criminal Code also stated that the confiscation attempt carried out by the anti-corruption commission should be accompanied by a letter of determination from the court in accordance with Article 38 of the Criminal Code. Moreover, the confiscation was carried out from Hasto's staff who did not attend as witnesses but as the accompanying party. “ If referring to the Criminal Procedure Code, what does that mean, there must be a letter of determination from the court,” he said. “ So there must be a court determination, standard operating procedures must not beat the Criminal Procedure Code, ” continued the advocate who is also a PDIP cadre. In addition to filing a pretrial lawsuit, Ronny has also reported the investigator's actions against his client to the KPK Supervisory Board. The reporting is based on Dewas Regulation Number 2 of 2020 concerning the enforcement of the code of ethics and code of conduct of the Council, Leaders, and KPK Employees.
Because, Kusnadi, who is Hasto's assistant, was framed when asked to go up to the examination room. “ One of the investigators he whispered as if (Kusnadi, ed) was summoned. If we talk about what is your basic Criminal Procedure Code called, what is your basis for being examined? There must be a letter, ” he concluded.

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