JAKARTA - A middle-aged woman covered in blood after being hit by wood by a busker at the Bintaro Social Affairs Complex, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, Monday afternoon, June 10. Information said that the perpetrator hit the victim with wood because he was annoyed because he was given a little money.

In the video circulating, it is said that the victim was hacked by a busker and then abused with a block. Responding to this information, the Head of the Pesanggrahan Police, Kompol Tedjo Asmoro, straightened out that the incident did exist but the victim was not stabbed.

Shortly after the incident, residents who knew immediately secured the perpetrators and were taken to the Pesanggrahan Police.

"We have secured it at the Polsek," said Tedjo

Tedjo said, the information in the video is not true. Because, there was no stabbing in the incident.

Tedjo only said that the busker named Syarian was drunk and injured a woman.

"The busker was drunk, there was no stabbing, sir," he added.

There are no other actors in this case. The perpetrators acted alone.

"There is no one, sir, only one has been secured," he added.

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