JAKARTA - Police raided a man armed with fire (senpi) in a residential area of Stanningley, Leeds, England. After 10 hours under siege by the authorities, the man died badly injured.

"The man was taken to the hospital in critical condition and later declared dead," said the police, quoted from Metro.co.uk, Monday, June 10.

It is unclear why West Yorkshire Police carried out a siege at the man's residence in Half Mile Green. However, the police said they had carried out negotiations before their house was forced to break down.

In the siege of this house since Sunday, June 9 at 12:36 local time, the police deployed armored vehicles and troops along with explosives disposal vehicles (jihandak).

Only after negotiations failed, the armed police forced their way into the gunman's house at 22:50.

The police said they installed a diversion first before breaking into his house and found the man seriously injured.

The police said they had submitted the report regarding the siege to the IOPC (Independent Office for Police Behavior) and held a press conference regarding this incident.

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