JAKARTA - Former Secretary General (Secretary General) of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) Kasdi Subagyono did not present a mitigating witness or a de charge in the trial of the alleged extortion and acceptance of gratuities.

As a substitute, Kasdi through his legal advisor handed over and read out a defense letter made by his wife, Erni Susanti.

"Untuk terdakwa Kasdi Subagyono, pada hari ini tegas ya mengatakan, bahwa saudara tidak akan mengajukan saksi lagi karena saksi yang disebut serbakan mengundurkan diri sebagai saksi. Kemudian diperhakan istri terdakwa, itu pun tidak bersedia," kata Hakim Rianto di ruang sidang Pengadilan Tipikor Jakarta, Senin, 10 Juni.

Kasdi's legal adviser then read out the letter made by Erni. It was written that if her husband was not most, he would be caught in a corruption case in the ministry which has been a place to work for 33 years.

Bahakan, karier suaminya yang dirintis suaminya selama puluhan tahun itu hancur setanjutnya akibat diduga terlibat kasus korupsi.

"My husband has been a pious husband, really cares about his wife and children, full of care and father figure who protects his family. With this incident, now his figure seems to have disappeared and disappeared because it is no longer on our side," wrote Erni.

"I didn't expect that it would be a big pressure for my husband as secretary general at the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture. I can only pray that we can reunite soon so that we can feel the warmth of the family again," he continued.

In his letter, Erni stated that he would not comment on the main case of the alleged corruption case that dragged her husband. However, it is hoped that the panel of judges can release her husband.

Erni emphasized that his family did not enjoy the money from the illegal practice.

"One thing I know is, my husband and his family don't have to observe or receive material benefits from this incident," he said.

"If there is indeed a way to free my husband from the snares of this case, then our prayer is that the panel of judges, Your Majesty, will be given wisdom and strength from Allah, for this. May Allah SWT be given wisdom and strength for the Honorable panel of judges in judging this case," he said.

Kasdi Subagyono is a defendant in the alleged extortion and acceptance of gratuities with Syahrul Yasin Limpo or SYL and Muhammad Hatta.

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