The Central Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit arrested six perpetrators of motorcycle theft (curanmor) equipped with a toy gun (dompis) assembled by a revolver and a sharp sickle type weapon on Monday, June 10.

In their actions, the perpetrators often act in a number of areas. In addition to firearms and sharp weapons, the police also confiscated a number of two-wheeled vehicles as a result of the crimes of the perpetrators.

"There are two main suspects in the theft, the rest are from the collectors of stolen motorbikes, the supplier of letter T keys and the intermediary for the sale of stolen motorbikes," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Central Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Chandra to reporters, Monday, June 10.

The arrests of the perpetrators began with the results of the analysis of the incident from all crime scenes (TKP) of theft throughout Central Jakarta based on witness statements and CCTV footage.

"We obtained the names, there were two perpetrators and they were arrested in the Senen area. Then at the perpetrator's house, 4 motorbikes were confiscated," he said.

Furthermore, the case was developed and the police again arrested 4 other perpetrators in the Karawang and West Jakarta areas.

"We arrested 4 other people involved. In total there are 6 perpetrators from this syndicate," he said.

The six suspects have different roles. Two main actors play a role in taking the motorbike, one person acts as a stolen motorbike courier who takes it to the collector, two stolen motorbike collectors and one other person who is ordered by the collector to provide the letter T key.

"In this syndicate, the letter T key is prepared by the custodian," he said.

In their action, the perpetrators acted in a number of areas outside Central Jakarta. Once in action, the perpetrators got several motorbikes.

"The perpetrators have been stealing motorbikes for 6 months. The perpetrators sold motorbikes for Rp. 2.5 million to collectors," he said.

The perpetrators are looking for targets whose supervision is less than their owners. They also target motorbikes parked on the side of the road and in quiet alleys.

The evidence confiscated in Jakarta contained 6 stolen motorbikes and 5 stolen motorbikes from collectors in Karawang. For their actions, the six perpetrators were charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code and 480 of the Criminal Code.

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