MAKASSAR – KM Umsini caught fire while anchoring at the port of Soekarno-Hatta, Makassar, South Sulawesi. All passengers rushed outside.
One of the passengers on the ship named Martinus Mamun Sare said the incident occurred on Sunday, June 9, at around 05.00 WIB or 04.00 WITA.
“ Less than ten minutes from leaving. The stairs have been raised. Suddenly hearing the explosion and then following the lights off, Mamung told VOI when contacted, Sunday, June 9.
The incident made passengers panic and immediately rushed out. Mamung and his wife are currently in the waiting room waiting for officers to unload their belongings.
“ We panicked so we didn't have time to take things. All items are still on board. Wait for the officers to unload the goods, "” he said.
The incident made officers deploy approximately 20 fire engines. Currently, the officers have extinguished it.
Mamung explained that PT Pelayaran Nasional (PT Pelni) had informed them that if there were other ships with the same destination, the passengers would just show tickets and continue their journey.
"If it has been lowered, you can immediately report yourself to Pelni," said the passenger who boarded the port of Larantuka, East Flores, to Jakarta.
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