JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has again intensified efforts to control air quality in the dry season as well as to commemorate World Environment Day. The public is asked to participate in efforts to improve the air quality. The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government encourages people to live a healthy lifestyle. Residents aged productive are asked to walk as many as 7,500 steps per day. Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Environment Agency (DLH) Asep Kuswanto explained, in addition to making life healthier, this movement can also contribute to improving air quality. "This is a breakthrough from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to welcome its status as a global city. DLH is committed to creating a quality living environment so that its citizens can live healthyly," said Asep in his statement, Sunday, June 9. Asep explained that the DKI Provincial Government's efforts to create a quality environment are also accompanied by improving air quality so that residents can carry out activities in a healthy manner. "The steps are already there, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government implements an air quality control strategy (SPPU) until 2030, including a strategy to achieve the health of its citizens," said Asep. Asep hopes that by integrating campaigns in these two fields, they can achieve maximum results for the good of Jakarta residents. "This “ The purpose of this campaign can make Jakartans live a healthy lifestyle and care more about the environment," explained Asep. The campaign is included in the Jakarta Guard (Move, Work, Exercise, and Happiness) activity which is part of the 497th Anniversary of the City of Jakarta. Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Office Ani Ruspitawati encouraged the public to live a healthy lifestyle through the Jakarta Guard campaign. "We invite the whole community to live a healthy lifestyle through the Jakarta Guard campaign. This is not only about exercising, but also about maintaining a balance between physical activity and happiness," said Ani. Ani added that state civil servants (ASN) within the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government are also required to be pioneers who are referred to as "agents of change" for Jakarta residents.
"By encouraging ASN as an 'agent of change', we hope they can be an example for the wider community in implementing a healthy lifestyle and caring for the environment," added Ani.

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