BENGKULU - PT PLN (Persero) Bengkulu said that no compensation was given to the people in the area following the blackout from Tuesday (4/6) to Thursday (6/6) at 01.00 WIB.

Assistant Manager of Electric Energy Transactions of PLN UP3 Bengkulu Branch, Reza Oktadinata, apologized to all customers in the area for the power outage for the last two days, causing inconvenience and many activities to stop.

"We convey that PLN does not provide compensation (to the community). Because when it is extinguished we do not sell. But will there be regulations from the government, we do not know," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, June 6.

Because, when the electricity went out, the kWh meter measuring electricity was not included in the PLN meter, so that in terms of business during the blackout, his party did not get anything.

"Like a customer using a generator set (genset), it means using fuel and not being included in the PLN meter," he said.

However, his party does not want the power outage to happen again in the future.

Therefore, in the future PLN will increase preventive interference by deploying all relevant personnel to anticipate this.

It is known, based on information from PLN, the electricity supply supply supply for people in South Sumatra, Jambi and Bengkulu Provinces at 01.16 WIB, for the whole community to return to normal.

Previously, on Tuesday (4/6) there was a disruption to the SUTET 275 kV Linggau-Lahat transmission network, which is an interconnection network and is connected to a number of areas in Sumatra.

As a result of the disruption, as many as 29 thousand distribution substations supply customers' electricity.

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