The Bandung City Government (Pemkot) will immediately repair houses badly damaged by the breakdown of the Tirtawening Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) pipeline in Maleer Village, Batununggal District.
Acting Mayor (Walkot) Bandung Bambang Tirtoyuliono said the Directors of PDAM Tirtening had met with affected residents to discuss repairing their homes.
"Last night the Directors of PDAM Tirtawening had a meeting with residents affected by the broken pipe. PDAM will repair damaged houses and other losses," he said in Bandung, Thursday, June 6.
He admitted that he received a report of a pipe leak in Maleer Village, Batununggal District at 16.00 WIB which resulted in two houses being heavily damaged.
He has also instructed the Bandung City Fire and Disaster Management Service, PDAM Tirtawening, together with regional apparatus organizations (OPD), as well as other relevant agencies to move quickly to deal with this disaster.
He explained that the PDAM transmission pipeline, which was broken, was old, was 50 years old. Therefore, a thorough evaluation is needed to prevent similar incidents in the future.
The Daily Executive of the Bandung City Secretary Hikmat Ginanjar ensured that the city government had taken steps, such as handling conditions until the house collapsed and helping residents affected by the incident.
"We are taking steps, the Department of Water Resources and Highways (DSDABM) will technically finish the section along the river. From the Social Service, basic food has also been given, then we will also pay attention to clean water prepared by tanks for short-term handling for residents," said Hikmat.
He emphasized the importance of control and care in all aspects to prevent similar incidents in the future.
"From the regional apparatus report, there were 95 affected residents. The Bandung City Government confirmed that this would be our serious concern," he said.
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