JAKARTA - The Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) officially carries Khofifah Indar Parawansa and Emil Dardak to run as a candidate pair for Governor and Deputy Governor of East Java.

This was revealed by PSI Chairman Kaesang Pangarep after providing a letter of recommendation for support to Khofifah-Emil at the PSI DPP office, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta.

"PSI has decided to carry the couple Mrs. Khofifah and Mr. Emil as candidates for Governor and Deputy Governor candidate in East Java 2024-2029," said Kaesang, Tuesday, June 4.

Although PSI only received 1 seat in the 2024 Legislative Election of the East Java DPRD, Kaesang admitted that supporting the former Governor-Deputy Governor of East Java to nominate again was an honor.

"This is an honor for us in East Java because East Java is one of the crucial areas for PSI," said Kaesang.

Kaesang will also order party cadres who will be promoted in the regional elections in Surabaya, Malang, Madiun, and Gresik to support Khofifah and Emil.

"God willing, I hope that Mrs. Khofifah and Mr. Emil can work together for the central government program that is transitioned from Mr. President Jokowi to Pak Prabowo as president-elect in 2024," he said.

Previously, the incumbent pair Khofifah-Emil had the blessing of four political parties, namely Golkar, Perindo, Democrat and PAN.

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