MERAUKE - Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin absorbs aspirations from education to religious issues during a dialogue with South Papuan community leaders.

The Vice President conveyed that every problem that exists in the community is the burden and responsibility of each government, from district, provincial governments to the central government.

"I hope that programs that have become problems that have not been resolved later if they become part of the central government, they will become part of the central government. Which priorities need to be worked on, this is what needs to be coordinated," said the Vice President at the "Face-to-face and Dialogue of the Government and the People of South Papua Province" in Merauke Regency, South Papua, reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 4.

The Vice President explained that development in Papua has been prepared in a development plan and will be established for each district so that public service access is closer.

"Therefore, the budget given by the special autonomy government (otsus), in the past it was centralized in the province, now it is directly transferred to districts. Therefore, I hope that the program between districts and provinces has been well coordinated," said the Vice President.

When discussing education, the Vice President said that the Papuan people could not only receive education at home, but also abroad.

"Financing education abroad is facilitated by districts. Furthermore, abroad, it becomes the burden of each district. There is no science here, we take it there (outseas)," said the Vice President.

Meanwhile, related to religion, the Vice President emphasized that the lack of religious educators can be resolved, one of which is by establishing higher religious education.

"So the problems of religious teachers will be discussed later, what is the education of religious teachers here (so that) religious teachers are educated directly by religious teachers," said the Vice President.

After explaining various solutions that need to be pursued, the Vice President asked the Acting Governor of South Papua to unite the problems in each region and formulate them based on priority.

"We want the budget that has been given to be allocated into something. Not like so far, the budget is large, but there is no form. We want, when we enter Papua, the form is for the welfare of the Papuan people," said the Vice President.

Previously, South Papua religious leaders raised issues related to the lack of religious educators and permits to build houses of worship. Meanwhile, traditional leaders, at the meeting conveyed about infrastructure, connectivity of access, education, and health that needed to be addressed and received effective solutions.

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