JAYAPURA - The price of cayenne pepper in the Hamadi market in Jayapura, Papua currently reaches IDR 130 thousand per kilogram and this price has been around for about two weeks.

There has been no sign that the price of cayenne pepper has fallen, said Siti and Fatimah, who works as a merchant at the Hamadi market to Antara, Saturday, March 13.

Some time ago, the price had dropped, but it was insignificant because of the supply from Serui, which ranged from IDR 95 thousand per kilogram to IDR 110 thousand per kilogram. However, currently, they are only relying on cayenne pepper from Arso.

"We buy from collectors around IDR 120 thousand per kilogram to IDR 125 thousand per kilogram, while Padang or curly chilies are IDR 60 thousand per kilogram and large chilies IDR 75 thousand per kilogram", she explained.

Apart from cayenne pepper, the price of several types of vegetables has also increased by around IDR 4 thousand per bunch from the normal price, such as green mustard which currently ranges from IDR 10 thousand per bunch to IDR 12 thousand per bunch, spinach IDR 10 thousand per bunch, and tomatoes IDR 20 thousand per kilogram.

The price of leeks is IDR 30 thousand per kilogram, green beans IDR 15 thousand per kilogram, carrots IDR 40 thousand per kilogram, cabbage IDR 30 thousand per kilogram, cassava leaves, papaya leaves, and water spinach each IDR 7 thousand per bunch, said Siti.

Meanwhile, the price of local chicken varies depending on the size, ranging from IDR 40 thousand per head to IDR 75 thousand per piece, for beef, it is IDR 150 thousand per kilogram and local chicken eggs IDR 65 thousand per rack (contains 30 eggs) while free-range chicken eggs for IDR 3 thousand per egg.

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