JAKARTA - The Panel of Judges of the Constitutional Court (MK) for a panel of three PHPU cases or the 2024 Legislative Election dispute re-calculated the polling station 005 of Sioyong Village, Donggala Regency, Central Sulawesi (Central Sulawesi). The Constitutional Court judge is looking for the truth over the difference of one vote based on the PDI-P argument (PDIP) in the trial of case Number 170-01-03-26/PHPU.DPR-DPRD-XXII/2024 at the Constitutional Court Building, Jakarta, Monday 3 June. As for the petition, PDIP argued that the NasDem Party in the Donggala 4 electoral district received 7,256 votes, while according to the KPU version, NasDem received 7,257 votes. PDIP said there was a one-vote inflation to NasDem at Pols 005 Sioyong Village, Dampelas District, Donggala Regency, Central Sulawesi because based on C Results from the Regency/City DPRD, NasDem received 77 votes. However, in the attachment to the Model D resulting from the District DPRD District/City, NasDem recorded 78 votes. The addition of one vote to the NasDem Party was assessed by the PDIP as causing them to lose their seventh seat to fill the candidate for members of the Donggala Dupil Regency DPRD Donggala 4. Re-vote counting was carried out on Monday after the Central Sulawesi Provincial KPU brought back the original ballot boxes. Before the counting started, Arief confirmed the number of Fixed Voter Lists (DPT) and the number of valid and invalid ballots. One member of the Provincial KPU said that there were 285 ballots with the DPT as many as 279 voters. Then, the number of ballots used was 182 letters with details of 179 valid ballots and three invalid ones.
The recount of ballots was carried out in front of Arief and two other constitutional judges who accompanied him, namely Anwar Usman and Enny Nurbaningsih. KPU members opened ballots one by one to re-pretitulate the number of votes acquired by political parties and legislative candidates. As a result, it was found that PDIP received 13 votes and the NasDem Party received 77 votes. The number of NasDem votes is the same as the KPU's answer as the respondent. “NasDem Party's original vote acquisition was 77. The vote count results in the Constitutional Court were 77. The vote acquisition at the recount there turned out to be one more. What is true is that what is calculated here (in the Constitutional Court),” said Arief, was confiscated by Antara. The results of the calculation were then approved by the parties by signing a certificate. Arief said the results would be reported to the Hakim Consultative Meeting (RPH). " “ Later on what the verdict will be, we will convey it at the trial for the pronouncement of the decision to be held if not on the 6th, yes, the 7th or 10th for this case," he concluded.

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