The five former commissioners of the KPU, Aru Islands Regency, Maluku were sentenced to 1.5 years or one year and six months in prison each by the panel of judges during a trial at the Corruption Court.

The verdict was read out by the panel of corruption judges chaired by Rahmat Selang accompanied by Anthonius Sampe Samine and Paris Edward as member judges in the trial at the Ambon District Court.

The five KPU commissioners are Mustafa Darakay as former chairman of the Aru Islands KPU, Mohamad Adjir Kadir, Kenan Rahalus, Vita Putranubun, and Yosef Labok as a former member of the Aru KPU.

"Declaring that the defendants are found guilty of committing a criminal act of corruption jointly violating Article 3 Juncto Article 18 of Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the eradication of corruption," said the panel of judges as reported by ANTARA, Monday, June 3.

In its ruling, the panel of judges sentenced the defendants to pay a fine of Rp. 300 million each, subsidiary to three months in prison. The defendants were also sentenced to pay compensation for varying state financial losses.

The defendant Tina Putnarubun was sentenced to pay a replacement money of Rp. 168,863,065 which was calculated with the money that had been deposited in the amount of Rp. 64 million, so that the remaining replacement money had to be replaced in the amount of Rp. 103 million.

Then, the defendant Mustafa Darakay paid a replacement money of Rp157 million which was deducted by Rp25 million which had been deposited into the state treasury, so that the remaining Rp131 million in replacement money had to be returned.

Furthermore, the defendant Kenan Rahalus paid a replacement money of Rp. 184 million which was deducted by Rp. 74 million which had been deposited into the state treasury, so that the remaining replacement money that had to be deposited was Rp. 114 million.

The defendant Muhammad Ajir Kadir paid a replacement money of Rp. 236 million and deducted the money that had been deposited into the state treasury amounting to Rp. 60 million, so that the remaining replacement money amounted to Rp. 176 million.

Meanwhile, the defendant Yosef Labok was sentenced to pay a replacement fee of Rp. 149,586,365, deducted from the refund of state financial losses from the defendant Rp. 64,990,000. So that the remaining Rp. 84,596,365 replacement money must be paid.

According to the haki assembly, if the replacement money is not paid within one month after this decision has permanent legal force, the property will be confiscated by the prosecutor to cover the remaining replacement money.

"In the event that the convicts do not have sufficient property, they will be replaced with imprisonment for 10 months each," said the panel of judges.

The verdict of the Ambon Corruption Court was also lighter than the demands of the Public Prosecutor of the Aru Islands District Attorney Nicholas Simanjuntak in the previous trial which charged the defendants with two years in prison.

Based on this decision, both the Public Prosecutor and the defendants who were accompanied by legal counsel Herman Koedoeboen, Henry Lusikooy and Franky Tutuary expressed their thoughts of filing an appeal.

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