TANGERANG NK, a reporter in the case of a child molestation mother in Pondok Aren, South Tangerang (Tangsel) explained that the perpetrator, RH (22), molested the child and recorded it on his cellphone because he was lured with Rp15 million by an unknown person, whom he knew on social media.

"He admitted (RH) wanted to be given Rp15 million. He just followed the video. Twice, there were part 1 and part 2," said NK when met at his rented house in the Pondok Betung area, Pondok Aren, South Tangerang, Monday, June 3.

Based on RH's confession, said NK, the video was made in 2023. At that time he played Facebook and was in contact with an account called Icha Shakila. Since then RH communicated intensely until finally agreed to make the video.

"So he (RH) did it when his husband sang. Then he made it like that," concluded NK, who still has relatives ties to the victim.

After the video was sent, continued NK, RH admitted that Icha Shakila had not yet sent the money he knew on Facebook. It took a long time to roll on, RH relaxed, not a problem, even though the video had been sent.

"Usually, like nothing," he said.

Long story short, the video RH sent to Icha, turned out to be viral on social media. He just regretted his current actions.

"After going viral, he regrets doing the act. In his brain, when it was just money, that's why he wanted to," joked NK.

RH has now been taken to Polda Metro Jaya for examination. According to NK's confession as the victim's aunt, he received threats from RH's family because he had reported the incident to the police.

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