SOUTH Sumatra (Sumsel) Regional Police (Polda) are hunting for the brains of ecstasy couriers in the Palembang City and Ogan Ilir Regency. Deputy Director of the South Sumatra Police Narcotics Investigation Directorate AKBP Harrissandi said the hunt was carried out by a special team after confiscating evidence of 13,990 ecstasy pills from two couriers during an arrest operation on May 19, 2024 and May 26, 2024.

"We arrested one courier in the Timbangan area, Indralaya, Ogan Ilir and another in the East Ilir III Palembang area with a total of 13,990 evidence," he said in Palembang, Wednesday, May 29, which was confiscated by Antara. He added that the ecstasy pills will be circulated and marketed to celebration venues that usually tune remix music or DJs. That's why the South Sumatra Police Chief forbade residents in Palembang to hold a celebration by playing remix music to anticipate the circulation of ecstasy.

Kedua tersangka dijerat dengan Pasal 114 ayat (2) jo Pasal 132 ayat (1) Subsider Pasal 112 ayat (2) jo Pasal 132 ayat (1) Undang-Undang RI Nomor 35 tahun 2009, tentang narkotika dengan ancaman hukuman pidana mati, pidana penjara umur seumur atau paling lama 20 tahun.

One of the suspects with the initials FA admitted that he had twice been ordered by his boss with a salary of Rp. 5,000,000. He admitted that he works as an online motorcycle taxi and does this to meet the needs of life.

Meanwhile, suspect H had to be treated because at the time of the arrest in Ogan Ilir, H resisted and was about to run away, so the officers took firm action by shooting the suspect.

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