JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) held an Ijtima Ulama Fatwa Commission in Indonesia VIII to discuss various national issues.

"Many national strategic issues are discussed in this forum, such as the fiqh of international relations to respond to justice between UN members, the positions of various international agreements and the Palestinian issue," said Chairman of the Steering Committee for the Ijtima Ulama Fatwa Commission in Indonesia VIIIAsrorun Niam Sholeh as reported by ANTARA, Monday, May 27.

This activity took place at the Bahrul Ulum Islamic Center Islamic Center Islamic Boarding School, Sungai Lihat District, Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung on May 28-31, 2024.

He said this activity discussed three major themes, namely the national strategic issue (masalisasiyah wathaniyah), the contemporary fiqh problem (masal waqi'iyah mu'ashirah), as well as legal and legislative issues (masal qanuniyyah).

In addition, discussing the attitude that must be taken by a Muslim and a citizen towards relatives of different countries who are experiencing a humanitarian crisis.

"Handling refugees such as Rohingya and the like, cannot only be approached with a formal legal approach. However, it is necessary to be approached by an insaniyah approach, human brotherhood. How can religious ethos be a solution to global humanitarian problems," said Asrorun Niam Sholeh who is also the chairman of the MUI Fatwa Division.

Ijtima will also highlight the struggle for the independence of the nations in the world.

"Support for efforts to realize the independence of every nation and taking sides in fighting colonialism, including cases that occur in Palestine which are experiencing colonialism," he said.

In the theme "Masailsasisyah wathaniyah", the activity will also discuss the fiqh between religious believers.

This is to implement the meaning of harmony, but remains in the corridor of religious guidance.

"How is the implementation of hakiki tolerance in our social life. How about cross-religious greetings, holidays and the like which are often polemics in society," said Asrorun Niam Sholeh who is also Professor of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Ijtima will also discuss the issue of optimization and implementation of halal product guarantees.

In addition, the use of the Ministry of Religion's Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) for non-Muslim religious services.

"It is also important to push for a clean government realization, one of which is a discussion of the Asset Confiscation Bill for perpetrators of criminal acts," he said.

This activity is planned to be opened directly by Vice President Ma'ruf Amin.

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