A pair of leopards and beetles were caught on surveillance cameras, aka CCTV, while walking hand in the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park (TNGGP).

Head of the Cianjur TNGGP Center, Sapto Aji, said that the presence of the tiger was far from the hiking trail, but anticipation was still being carried out so that the protected animals would not be disturbed and their lifestyle changed.

"CCTV is installed very far from the hiking trail, but we still prohibit climbers from leaving food or garbage that can attract the attention of animals living in their natural habitat," said Sapto, Sunday, May 26, as quoted by Antara.

He explained that the surveillance camera footage showed a leopard walking in the middle of the forest, but a few moments later followed the black leopard behind it as it approached the installed camera.

"The black tiger is a species of leopards, but the skin pigment makes it black or if people call it a beetle tiger. We do not yet know whether the two leopards are male and female or female and child pairs," he said.

He noted that currently there are 24 leopards and beetles living in the Mount Gede Pangrango area, but to ensure this year there will be a survey of the number of leopards on the island of Java, including in the TNGGP area.

So far, he said, the breeding of leopards on Mount Gede Pangrango has occurred naturally, where its habitat is guarded by officers. "Dozens of officers carry out surveillance and security of the habitat of endangered and protected animals," he said.

He emphasized that the presence of the leopard is very far from the hiking trail, even progressively wild animals avoid humans, but his party still asks climbers not to leave food waste because it can change the behavior of animals even though they live and live in their habitat.

" Climbers don't leave or provide food when they find animals in the national park because later they are around the hiking trail," he said.

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