JAKARTA - Floods and landslides hit Tanggamus Regency, Lampung Province. On Saturday, May 25 at 20.00 WIB, one resident was declared still missing due to the disaster.
"It was reported that four residents were swept away by the flood current, three of whom were successfully evacuated safely and one resident is still being searched," said Head of BNPB Disaster Data and Communication Center Abdul Muhari in his statement, Sunday, May 26.
A total of eight sub-districts were affected by the hydrometeorological disaster, including Talang Padang, East Ulu Belu, Bandar Negeri Samuong, Air Naningan, West Agung City, Wonosobo, and Sembela.
BNPB noted that 385 families and 385 houses were affected by floods and landslides.
It was also reported that 1,098 ha of rice fields and plantations were affected, one bridge was broken and seven avalanche points closed road access.
Today, the floods that have submerged have gradually receded. All related elements have conducted a loss data assessment and went down to the field to handle and evacuate the affected residents.
"BNPB appeals to the Regional Government and the people of Tanggamus Regency to always be aware of subsequent floods and landslides that could occur," he said.
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