Karawang Regent Aep Syaepuloh is concerned about the search of the work room of the Karawang Acep Jamhuri Regional Secretary by the West Java High Prosecutor's Investigation Team related to the disclosure of the alleged corruption case of the Karawang Regency Government's plot of land with PT Intiland.

"We are concerned about the search. But of course we have to respect the legal process," said the regent as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 21.

The most important thing, he said, is that all parties must prioritize the principle of presumption of innocence, because the case is still in the process or legal handling.

The Regent advised all state civil servants within the Karawang Regency Government not to be disturbed by the search, and to remain focused on working.

"We make sure the government continues to run as usual," he said.

Meanwhile, on Monday (20/5), the West Java Prosecutor's Office Investigative Team searched the pendopo and the room of the Karawang Regional Secretary of Acep Jamhuri related to the alleged corruption case of ruislagh (exchange) land belonging to the Karawang Regency Government with PT Intiland.

Head of West Java Attorney General's Office, Nur Sricahyawijaya, said that the search by the West Java High Prosecutor's Investigation Team was related to a corruption case in the implementation of ruislagh of goods belonging to the Karawang Regency Government in the form of land covering an area of 4,935 m2 located on Jalan Tuparev Karawang with PT Jakarta Intiland land covering an area of 59,087m2.

The search was carried out at a number of points. Among them are the Karawang Regional Secretary's office and the Karawang Regional Secretary's residence pavilion.

In addition, a search was also carried out at the Office of the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office of Karawang and at the Karawang Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency Office.

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