JAKARTA - The Election Organizers Honorary Council (DKPP) will hold a hearing to examine alleged violations of the Election Organizer Code of Ethics (KEPP) on Wednesday, May 22, tomorrow.

This case was reported by a woman with the initials CAT, who gave Aristo Pangaribuan, Uli Pangaribuan, Abdul Toni, and friends. The complainant complained to KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari.

In the subject of the complaint, the complainant argued that Teradu was suspected of prioritizing personal interests and providing special treatment to the Complaints who worked as members of the The Hague Foreign Election Committee (PPLN), the Netherlands.

In addition, Teradu is also suspected of using power relations to approach and establish relationships with the complainant.

DKPP Secretary David Yama said the agenda of this trial was to listen to statements from the parties, including the Complaints, Defendants, Witnesses, and Related Parties.

DKPP has summoned the parties properly in accordance with the provisions of Article 22 paragraph (1) of DKPP Regulation Number 3 of 2017 concerning Guidelines for Certifying the Code of Ethics for Election Organizers as amended lastly by DKPP Regulation Number 1 of 2022.

"The DKPP Secretariat has properly summoned all parties, namely five days before the examination hearing is held," said David as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 21.

He also revealed that this trial was held behind closed doors because it was related to immorality.

"The examination of the main case related to decency will be held behind closed doors," he explained.

Hasyim Asy'ari was reported to DKPP on Thursday (18/4) by the Legal Aid Consultation Institute and the Choice of Completion of the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia (LKBH-PPS FH UI) and the Legal Aid Institute of the Indonesian Women's Association for Justice (LBH APIK).

The attorney for victim Maria Diinita Prosperianti explained that Hasyim's actions as a defendant were included in violating the code of ethics based on DKPP Regulation Number 2 of 2017 concerning the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct for General Election Organizers.

Maria said that in reporting to the DKPP RI, a number of evidences had been submitted showing violations of the code of ethics by Hasyim had been submitted.

He said Hasyim was concerned with his personal interests to satisfy his sexual desires.

"There have been several dozen pieces of evidence, yes, such as screenshots (screenshots) of conversations, photos, and videos, as well as evidence. I have explained earlier, this evidence can show that it is truly structured, systematic, and active, and here the accused also provides information manipulation and also spreads confidential information to show his power," he said.

He also said that Hasyim's actions to the victim showed repeated actions. Therefore, he hopes that DKPP will not only give a stern warning to the case involving his client.

"There is a similar case, but it may be a little different related to what happened to Golden Women. This has also been given the last tough warning sanction. So, after a decision from the DKPP, our target should be that the sanction given is no longer a warning, but is termination," he said.

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