Presidential Chief of Staff (KS) Moeldoko supports the policy of imposing anti-dumping import duties on imported products, including ceramic products. This is to trigger local cramp products.

Presidential Chief of Staff, General TNI (Ret.) Moeldoko, said this during a meeting with the Chairman of the Indonesian Anti-Dumping Committee (KADI), Donna Gultom, at the Bina Graha building, Jakarta, Tuesday, May 21.

KSP invites the Indonesian Anti-Dumping Committee (KADI) to discuss anti- dumping policies through the imposition of import duties for anti- dumping imported products. One of them is ceramic import products.

Where, currently, domestic ceramic industry manufacturers and entrepreneurs are facing attacks by cheap ceramic products from China, which sell their products in overseas markets at very low prices because stocks are piling up that are not absorbed by the domestic market due to sluggish property sectors.

Moeldoko emphasized that the anti- dumping policy through the imposition of import duties for anti- dumping ceramic imported products is needed to save and protect the domestic ceramic industry from unfair trade practices (unfair trade practice) and the practice of selling goods under capital prices (predatory pricing).

The massive import of ceramics from China at prices below the cost of goods sold (HPP) of domestic producers, according to him, is dangerous and can kill the national ceramic industry, which will ultimately have an impact on labor with layoffs (PHK).

The 2013-2015 TNI Commander said that the government through the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Finance, and other relevant ministries/agencies must immediately prepare steps to accelerate the regulatory process for anticipation or countermeasure to protect the domestic industry.

"One of them is the imposition of significant anti dumping import duties to prevent predatory pricing and unfair trade. Do not let the import flood rush," said Moeldoko.

Furthermore, Moeldoko ensured that the Presidential Staff Office supports KADI's steps in making strategic efforts to protect the domestic industry from unfair trade practices and the practice of selling goods under capital prices.

KSP strongly supports KADI's efforts as a national industry guard in international trade. Strengthening the domestic industry is the President's direction," he said.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of KADI, Donna Gultom, welcomed the support of the Presidential Staff Office regarding the acceleration of anti-dumping policies through the imposition of import duties for anti- dumping imported products.

According to him, the involvement of the Presidential Staff Office will make it easier for KADI to coordinate with related ministries/agencies to formulate anti-dumping regulations.

"We are optimistic that KSP's involvement will help us (KADI) accelerate the formulation of regulations on anti-dumping to protect the continuity of the national industry," said Donna.

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