The two pairs of Rohingya were reported to have married in a temporary shelter in the back yard of the West Aceh Regent's Office Complex on Friday, May 17 evening. The two couples who married Zainalullah (25 years) each married Azizah (18 years), and Rudiyas (18 years) who married Zahed Husen (20 years).

The second wedding procession took place simply and was witnessed by other refugees. The Office of the Ministry of Religion of West Aceh Regency conducted a search related to two Rohingya couples, who had a wedding or consent at a temporary shelter location at the West Aceh Regent's Office Complex.

"We just heard (the wedding of foreigners) this information, we will immediately investigate it," said Head of the Office of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) of West Aceh Regency, Abrar Zym, quoted from ANTARA in Meulaboh, Saturday, May 18.

He said that so far the West Aceh Ministry of Religion did not know the parties who carried out the consent at the refugee camps, so further investigation of the Rohingya marriage information had to be carried out.

Abrar Zym said, according to Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage, it is clearly stated that if there are foreigners who will marry Indonesian citizens (WNI), then there are procedures that must be passed by each couple.

For example, foreigners, must obtain permission from the embassy and related ministries, and must meet a number of requirements that have been determined by the government.

However, with permission for refugees or ethnic Rohingya who are married in refugee camps, so far there are no rules or derivatives of Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage.

"Who married us we don't know yet, we will follow up immediately on this information," said Abrar Zym.

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