JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno hopes that Flores Island in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province will become a center for religious tourism destinations for Catholics. "At the same time promoting Flores Island as the backbone of Labuan Bajo's super priority tourism destination," he said in the webinar 'Potention and Strategy for the Development of Catholic Religious Tourism on Flores Island' which was monitored, Antara, Friday, May 17. The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy explained that so far he has continued to interact with the romo and priests or Catholic monks and admitted that he is happy to be able to present collaborations to develop Flores Island and develop religious tourist destinations. "My hope is that as we develop the Borobudur DSP (super priority destination) for Buddhists, in East Java there is a destination for the Songo Wali Cemetery pilgrimage for Muslims," he said again. He also explained that Flores Island is known for its history and legacy from the development of the spread of Catholicism. Flores Island is also often referred to as a missionary island with one of its religious tourism attractions through an inculturation between the Catholic church and local culture of the local community. Through two echelon one officials from Flores at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, namely Frans Teguh and Vinsensius Jemadu, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is reminded of how this inculturation can be seen in various aspects in Flores ranging from church architectures, music arts to religious rituals that integrate local cultural elements. "All of this makes Flores a religious tourist destination that is rich in historical and spiritual value," he also said. He also said that Indonesia's population reaches almost 280 million people and of that number, 3.1 percent are Catholics. There are about 3 million Catholics in NTT and almost 40 percent of them are on the island of Flores. Furthermore, of the four Kharisma Event Nusantara (KEN) set by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy in NTT Province, there are two religious-based activities, namely the Golo Koe Festival in Labuan Bajo and the Bale Nagi Festival in East Flores Regency. "It is hoped that it can provide benefits for the community to continue to care for the existing culture and traditions of Catholic church inculturation," he said again. He also explained that currently the government has built infrastructure to support the tourism sector in Labuan Bajo, such as the Komodo Labuan Bajo Airport facility. However, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy hopes that tourists will not only accumulate in Labuan Bajo, but are distributed in all districts on Flores Island which also has world-class tourist destinations. "It is true that we can build airport facilities to accommodate one million tourist visits to Labuan Bajo, but we have to share, the distribution of these tourists not only to Komodo Island but divided into eastern areas of Flores Island," he said. He also invited all parties to collectively build quality and sustainable tourism. "Let us continue to contribute to national economic growth and we improve the welfare of the community, let us raise this tourism that is just, sustainable," he also said. In the webinar organized by the Labuan Bajo Flores Authority (BPOLBF), the Bishop of Ruteng Mgr Siprianus Respect Pr welcomed the collaboration of various elements for the development of religious tourism on Flores Island. According to the Bishop, tourism is actually a pilgrimage to sniff out God's footsteps in the joy of the meeting of human beings and the universe. "Therefore, Ruteng Diocese has designed and continues to develop holistic tourism in the Congka Sae Flores Earth area with spiritual character," he said in his remarks at the opening of the webinar. Bishop Ruteng also explained that tourism must be built and developed in local cultural roots and spirituality, so that his party has collaborated with the government of three districts, namely West Manggarai Regency, Manggarai Regency, and East Manggarai Regency to develop a cultural religious festival. "Golo Koe Festival in Labuan Bajo, Golo Curu in Ruteng and Lembah Sanpio in Kisol Borong," he said again. Bishop Ruteng added that in these three festivals the Great Procession of Mother Mary was celebrated featuring ethnic-inclusive cultural celebrations, showing off creative economy products, local MSMEs and carrying out ecological movements.
"With that, Labuan Bajo Flores' super priority tourism will be realized which involves and prospers local communities, guarantees the preservation of cultural creation and is rooted in the inclusive local karaoke spirituality," he also said.

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