TANGERANG - Indah Furba, the attorney for the Supreme Court, a victim of rape at Pondok Aren South Tangerang (Tangsel), intends to report to the Propam Polda Metro Jaya if investigators from the South Tangerang Police have not yet arrested the perpetrators of the rape, H, a former member of the school committee and village staff, as well as the former DKM.

"We urge the police to take immediate action. If there is no action, then it must be (Propam-ed report)," said Indah when met at the victim's house in the Pondok Aren area, South Tangerang, Friday, May 17.

However, Indah is waiting for the right time to take this step. If there is no action, it will be reported to the Propam Polda Metro Jaya.

"An estimate until next week," he said.

Previously, the South Tangerang Police clarified reports of'multimate' rape cases for two years, which AF reported, the victim's parents.

Head of Public Relations of the South Tangerang Police, AKP Agil, explained that his party had problems because the victim, MA, had a mental disorder.

"That at that time the victim's condition was still not possible for questioning. So we are waiting for the victim's condition to be ready to give his statement," explained AKP Agil to, Wednesday, May 15.

He also said that his party would immediately continue the legal process against the case by calling the reported party, namely H, who is active as a school committee in South Tangerang.

Not only that, said Agil, his party will also hold a meeting to confirm the act of sexual violence.

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