JAKARTA - The National Police through the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police are intensifying ground and sea patrols in the port area to anticipate security disturbances ahead of the start of the 10th World Water Forum (WWF) agenda in Bali, on 18-25 May 2024. The Head of the Police Headquarters has checked a number of prioritized security locations, especially in the area where the port is located, it has been confirmed at the NTB Police," said the Head of the Public Information Bureau (Karopenmas) of the Police Public Relations Division Brigadier General Pol. Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko in his statement in Jakarta, Friday. The one-star police officer explained that the NTB Police carried out an enhanced routine activity operation (KRYD) as an activity of the 2024 Puri Agung Operations to make the 10th World Water Forum a success. This KRYD operation, he said, was in the form of marine and ground patrols carried out by the NTB Police and all police ranks, to anticipate security disturbances that could affect the smoothness of international activities carried out in Bali. In carrying out these patrols, officers tried to detect any security disturbances that might have occurred in the NTB Regional Police area, but could disrupt the smooth implementation of the 10th World Water Forum in Bali. Considering the NTB region adjacent to Bali. As a buffer zone, NTB will certainly make various efforts or steps to ensure the conduciveness of the security and security." We will intensify the activities of the sea patrol, considering that one of the estua entered the Bali region also by sea, "he said.

Trunoyudo added, as an area adjacent to Bali, NTB must be able to maintain and take legal action if it detects a group of people or private persons trying to break through the sea route to enter Bali which aims to disrupt the 10th World Water Forum. "This is a security task carried out by the buffer zone and is one of the tasks of the Preemptive and Preventive Task Force," said Trunoyudo.

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