SOUTH Sumatra (Sumsel) Regional Police (Polda) confirmed that they are ready to take action against illegal refinery activities or illegal oil distillation in Musi Banyuasin (Muba) Regency, South Sumatra. Head of South Sumatra Regional Police Inspector General Pol Rachmad A Wibowo said, as long as there is no official decision regarding the legalization of illegal oil wells, law enforcement efforts against the perpetrators will continue to be dealt with.

"As far as there is no provision for the legalization of illegal oil wells, the South Sumatra Police and their ranks will continue to carry out law enforcement efforts against illegal oil practices. And will continue to arrest and take action, especially against illegal warehouses and refinery," he said in Palembang, South Sumatra, Thursday, May 16, which was confiscated by Antara. According to him, in discussing the issue of illegal refinery activities, his party has often held meetings at the level of the provincial government, the Muba regional government, and the South Sumatra Regional Police. However, it seems that illegal refinery activities are increasingly massive in this area. "The SKK Migas and related ranks, including with the South Sumatra Regional Police, have met several times, but there have also been impacts from illegal drilling and illegal refinery. People's oil regulations are still prohibited from claiming the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 1 of 2008 which legalized old wells," he said.

Sementara itu, Tenaga Ahli Komisi Pengawas (TA Korwas) Bidang Operasi SKK Migas Julius Wiratno mengatakan Korwas SKK Migas diutus dan melihat kondisi di lapangan, selama ini harus diakui Polda Sumsel dan jajaran telah melaksanakan penindakan dan upaya penegakan hukum yang cukup banyak terhadap refinery ilegal ini.Kemudian karena sudah sangat masif serta memberikan efek negatif berganda sehingga masuk dalam kategori bencana kemanusiaan lantaran mengakibatkan jatuhnya korban jiwa.

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