JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) simplify the class 1 system, 2 and 3 BPJS Health participants to become standard hospitalization classes (KRIS). Now, the facilities for all BPJS patients are equally flat and each treatment room will have four beds.

This new regulation is contained in Presidential Regulation Number 59 of 2024 concerning the Third Amendment to Presidential Decree Number 82 of 2018 concerning Health Insurance which was signed on May 8.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) as well as the President Director of Fatmawati Hospital, Syahril, said that this Perpres will eliminate the class system on BPJS Health services. The goal is to ensure that all BPJS participants receive the same service.

"The purpose of this Presidential Regulation is to ensure that the community gets equal and good treatment for all BPJS participants. That's why the KRIS is issued to regulate inpatient infrastructure called standard hospitalization classes," he said at the Ministry of Health Office, Jakarta, Wednesday, May 16.

He said, one of the facilities that is now being equated is the patient's inpatient room. Previously, the inpatient room for class 1 patients with two beds, class 2 patients containing three to four beds, class 3 patients containing five to eight beds.

"Now it is hoped that only 4 (beds per room) will be expected. Why only 4? To ensure quality, safety, various kinds of things. So, our society feels comfortable," he explained.

That way, Syahril said, the types of inpatient rooms between hospital patients were only divided into two, namely the KRIS room for BPJS Health and non-KRIS patients for VIP and executive patients.

Furthermore, Syahril said, all hospitals in collaboration with BPJS Kesehatan are in transition to prepare changes to the components of the patient's inpatient room facilities.

"All hospitals are in process and indeed have to prepare. Now there are 3,176 hospitals nationally and there are 3,060 KRIS implementations," said Syahril.

"2024, targeted 2,432 hospitals, but the realization until March has only reached 1,053 hospitals. Later in June 2025, 3,057 hospitals will be realized," he concluded.

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