Director General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture Prihasto Setyanto, received an indirect threat from Syahrul Yasin Limpo or SYL, who at that time served as Minister of Agriculture.

The threat was revealed when the Public Prosecutor (JPU) read out the Personal Examination Event Files (BAP). It was stated that SYL gathered the first echelons in his office.

"Please allow Your Majesty, this is witness testimony to remind the witness again, in the BAP of witness number 49. 'I once indirectly received threats or coercion from Syahrul Yasin Limpo, as I remember being collected with other echelons I in the room concerned at the time Mr. Syahrul Yasin Limpo conveyed in the sentence 'if you are not in line with me, please resign'," said the prosecutor reading the BAP at the trial, Wednesday, May 15.

"My understanding of this submission is Syahrul Yasin Limpo who feels unable to be loyal to the person concerned is asked to resign. Loyal means being able to understand Syahrul Yasin Limpo's request regarding the contributions requested for the non-budgeter needs of Syahrul Yasin Limpo.' Is that right?" continued the prosecutor.

Prihasto also agreed with the information contained in the BAP. SYL's statement was considered an indirect threat.

"Yes, that's what I said indirectly. There is nothing directly," said Prihasto.

"This one is indirectly in our statement at the BAP, indirectly conveying, not in terms of, meaning, if you are not loyal, but you don't get stuck inside, I'm sorry, we don't explain, it doesn't matter the context, but we feel it is like that, sir," he added.

The prosecutor also emphasized the contents of the BAP which contained inconsistent sentences. Prihasto agreed and said that SYL conveyed it to all echelons I.

"But what I read earlier was true? That I once said the phrase 'if it's not in line', is there?" asked the prosecutor.

"Ever. It was conveyed to all Echelon I. The sentence was once conveyed to all Echelon I," replied Prihasto.

In this case, Syahrul Yasin Limpo allegedly extorted his employees of up to Rp44.5 billion during the 2020-2023 period with the Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture Kasdi Subagyono and the Director of Agricultural Equipment and Machinery of the Directorate General of Infrastructure and Facilities of the Ministry of Agriculture Muhammad Hatta.

This money was then used for the benefit of Syahrul's wife and family, invited gifts, the NasDem Party, religious events, aircraft charters to Umrah and sacrifices. In addition, he was also charged with receiving gratuities of Rp40.6 M from January 2020 to October 2023

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