JAKARTA - Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK) Suhartoyo revealed that parties involved in the case that proceed to the trial of evidence of the 2024 Legislative General Election Result Dispute (PHPU) case can propose five witnesses and one expert. He explained whether or not the case to the follow-up trial would be announced in a dissal decision hearing scheduled for May 21-22. The decision was decided at the Hakim Consultative Meeting (RPH) which was scheduled to be held on May 15-20, 2024. “ If you continue, there will also be a summons for evidence hearings. Therefore, to prepare each case, five witnesses and one expert if they are to propose, ” Suhartoyo said when chairing the 2024 PHPU Pileg one panel session at the Constitutional Court Building, Jakarta, Antara, Tuesday, May 14. He said the trial for examination of evidence would be held from May 27 to June 4, 2024. The same thing was conveyed by Constitutional Justice Arief Hidayat as Chair of the Three Panel Session. He said the number of witnesses and experts who could be submitted were five witnesses and one expert. In addition, he continued, all parties can also add written evidence. “ Applicants, Respondents, Bawaslu, and Related Parties can add written evidence in the trial at the Court in accordance with the Constitutional Court Regulation (PMK). You can see the order of evidence that has a more important and more negligible position in the regulation,” he said. It is known that the schedule for handling PHPU for the 2024 Legislative Election has been listed in PMK Number 1 of 2024 concerning Stages, Activities, and Schedules for Handling Disputes in the Results of the General Election of DPR Members, DPD DPRD, as well as the General Election of the President and Vice President. The RPH for discussion and decision making to determine cases that can be continued or not to the next stage will be held on May 15-20, 2024. Then, the pronunciation of the dissal decision will be held on May 21-22, 2024. For cases that are allowed to file witnesses and experts, they will undergo a follow-up examination trial or trial of evidence.
Then, the judges will return to undergo an RPH to discuss additional evidence from the trial and make a decision. The results of the meeting will be announced in the trial for the pronouncement of the verdict or court stipulation which is scheduled to be held on June 7-10, 2024.

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